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      Words at Work for Healing & Understanding

      James C. Henderson is a passionate advocate for healthcare reform and an accomplished author. His books, papers and other published works champion the causes of medical choice and also extend to his commitment to understanding Middle Eastern and Christian history and prophecy.


      Did you know that over 50% of Americans now suffer from one form of chronic disease or another? We have become the sickest Western nation, despite the fact that we spend 2.5 trillion dollars on health care annually (twice as much as other nations). Sadly, 70% of this 2.5 trillion dollars is wasted on suppressing the symptoms of rather than treating or curing chronic diseases.

      Indicted! is a rallying cry for freedom of medical choice in America. It has generated legislation introduced into the California Assembly requiring physicians to give us the freedom to chose nutritional therapy instead of a lifetime of prescription dependency. Indicted! puts drug medicine on trial for trading our health for dollars. Drug medicine only manages the symptoms of our chronic diseases, like heart disease, diabetes and arthritis; it does not seek to cure them or restore our health. Drug medicine keeps us sick and dependent on medication for the rest of our lives. The result is that epidemics of chronic diseases are rampant in our society.

      With over 1700 references, Indicted! presents over 50 years of medical and scientific evidence demonstrating that lifestyle changes and nutritional medicine are more effective than drug medicine for preventing and reversing chronic degenerative diseases from cancer to heart disease and diabetes.

      You will enjoy reading Indicted! The book could save your life or that of your loved ones now suffering from chronic degenerative diseases. Knowledge is power. It is time we took control of our health.

      For more about Indicted! visit my personal site.

      Whisper of the Serpent

      The symptomatic treatment of chronic disease is perpetuating multiple epidemics and is responsible for the major expense of health care, argues attorney James Henderson in his provocative new book, Whisper of the Serpent. Henderson explores 2500 years of medicine and science from Hippocrates to the present to show:

      • How a false concept of science has led to false medicine with devastating consequences
      • How drugs don’t treat illness but only suppress symptoms
      • Why nutritional and lifestyle changes could prevent and reverse chronic diseases
      • How and why modern medicine is really big business
      • Why modern medicine has become the third leading cause of death in the US

      Whisper of the Serpent documents, in gripping detail, our gradual loss of medical freedom before an ever-growing government sponsored medical monopoly blinded by a false concept of science.

      Both a call to action and a thought-provoking treatise on the state of modern medicine, Whisper of the Serpent will make you realize that it is time to reintroduce the principles of rational, truly scientific medicine into health care. It is time to take back control of our health.

      For more about Whisper of the Serpent visit my personal site.

      The Scramble for Jerusalem

      Jerusalem has become ground zero for World War III. In The Scramble for Jerusalem, attorney Henderson reveals that overshadowing the regional conflict is a religious confrontation of apocalyptic proportions:

      • Jews, Muslims, Catholics, and Evangelical Christians, all claiming descent from Abraham, have ….end-time scripts demanding exclusive control of Jerusalem.
      • All feature Jerusalem as the capital of their coming Messianic kingdom.

      They cannot all be right, argues Henderson. But more ominously, one’s Messiah may be the other’s Antichrist. This creates a potential apocalyptic showdown in the Middle East, threatening world peace and creating the potential for Armageddon—the graveyard of the nations.

      Henderson reveals that militant Sunni jihadists as well as Shia Iran envision a new caliphate headquartered in Jerusalem. Because militant Muslims see America as the main western supporter of Israel, the road to Jerusalem lies through the ruins of Washington.

      False theologies have tremendous consequences, contends Henderson. The scramble to conquer or partition Jerusalem is the product of fatal end-time delusions which threaten to engulf the world in a deluge of war and bloodshed as they all struggle to gain control over Jerusalem.

      The author singles out two competing end-time scripts for an extended historical analysis: the Jesuit theologies of Futurism and Preterism now contributing to an unholy religious civil war in Christendom embroiling the Middle East turmoil.

      For more about Scramble for Jerusalem visit my personal site.

      Terror Over Jerusalem

      Jerusalem is ground zero in a clash of civilizations between militant Islam and Judeo-Christianity. The Temple Mount is the epicenter. There are no safe harbors left in this clash of civilizations. America’s support for Israel has pulled us into the vortex. Appeasement will only invite our destruction, for Militant Islam has cast an ominous shadow over the nations. Their quest is world domination for Islam in a revived Caliphate operating under Sharia law. Will they succeed?

      Terror Over Jerusalem surveys 2500 years of biblical and secular history to give a comprehensive analysis of how, why and when the forces of Islam arose. Terror Over Jerusalem reveals that the biblical prophets Daniel and John predicted that Militant Islam will eventually come to its final destruction.

      • Is the present conflict in the Middle East a fulfillment of this ominous prediction?
      • Will the Papacy move its center to Jerusalem to resolve the mortal struggle between three . .. …religions, all claiming descent from the Patriarch Abraham?

      With riveting detail Henderson shows how the United States, the Papacy, and Europe will bond in an attempt to put an end to Islamic terrorism forever. But even more gripping is Henderson’s contention that this event will also usher in Armageddon—the Second Coming of Christ.

      For more about the Terror Over Jerusalem Series visit my personal site.

      A Plan for Action on Healthcare

      Attorney and author, James Henderson believes that our nation faces a healthcare cost crisis that parallels the epidemics of chronic degenerative diseases sweeping across America; undermining the health and productivity of our citizens and our country.

      Download my plan for reform on my personal site.

      A Biblical Look Into the Future (and the Past)

      Study and learn from these vivid, visual interpretations of the prophecies in Daniel, Revelations and also The Origin of the Two-Phased Second Coming and The Second Coming and Grand Delusions.

      For Downloads and More visit my personal site

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